Coming soon | 【New Product】"Choo!Vege" will be available fo sale soon. |
2018/1/3 | 【INFO】English New home page site opened. |

Why Vegepowder ?
●Increase vegetable intake easily

●High Polyphenols and Antioxdants

Amount of active ingredients in Turbo Dry processed Vegepowder versus conventional vegetable powder.
Turbo Dry processed Vegepowders contain many more active ingredients than conventional vegetable powder.
Manufacuturer: Kyushu Vegepowder Co,
Data collected and analysed by the Kumamoto Indutrial Reaserch Institute
●Dietary fiber make changes intestional flora

Intestional flora is integral to health and is considered as important as an organ.
This is because it plays a role to control our health by genarating vearious substances from food we intake.

Vegepowder™ is a new concept in natural foods and health that uses a revolutionary process to transform fresh produce instantly to highly nutritious superpowders that can be added to all kinds of foods and drinks to enhance their nutritional benefits and health effects.
We hope to inspire health-conscious chefs, dietitians and consumers to discover Vegepowders™ and their own special recipes and creations. Meanwhile, we continue to develop even more powders, harvesting the natural richness and nutrients of the fresh vegetables and fruits of the beautiful Mt. Aso area.
Tel : 096-245-7721 Fax : 096-245-8166
mail : info@vegepowder.co.jp
- Campany
- Kyushu Vegepowder Co., Ltd.
- Aderss
- 4-7 Hanabatacho chuoku Kumamotoshi Kumamoto Japan 861-2202
- Established
- Sep. 2013
- Board
- Koji Sakata, Toru Ikeda,
- Katsunori Matsuoka, Tomoho Kimura
- Capital
- 61 million yen